Monday, January 24, 2011


It all started with a dream, or lack thereof.

Everywhere I turned last week, I was hearing things like Dream Big, Imagine, and What would you like your life to look like in a year?

A blank piece of paper stared at me. I couldn't do it. I know me and if I write it down, then I will be on a mission, full-speed ahead to make it happen. Do you hear that? SPLAT! It's the sound of me falling on my face.

Over the weekend I took time to reflect and pray and then I remembered a book on my shelf that I have used a couple of times before. Your Best Year Yet. The chapter on choosing your focus asks several questions to get you to see exactly what it is you really need or desire. I answered the questions in seconds and they all pointed to the same thing- my health.
I know, I know, I've been here before but I'm a year wiser and I have made enough changes to give me hope.

So here we go.

2011 is the year I get healthy.

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