Thursday, April 21, 2011

Women of Strength - Day Four

It was a battle from the beginning.

I was sick the entire 9 months.

At one point I surrendered her to God before she was even born.

That would be the first of many surrenders over the years.

I surrendered her to school too soon. I was too young to know.

I surrendered her to friends when I wanted her home.

I surrendered her to college, to work, to motherhood, too soon.

I surrendered her to her husband, praying he would care for her.

I surrendered her to moving away.

I surrendered her to the military.

I surrendered her to walk through hard times year after year.

I surrender her to love and joy, tears and beauty.

Surrender breeds strength, both in myself and the one I surrender.

I surrendered her to Promises.
I surrender to the One who keeps them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is beautiful! Thank-you Mom!!