Monday, June 24, 2013

Breath Prayer

Breath Prayer.

Mention of this prayer first caught my attention over on Chatting at the Sky.

 I googled it and found a  little more about it. I found a post on this site - Mosaic

The next morning I was reading in Jeremiah 31 and struck by the idea of setting up signposts to keep me on track or help gude my way and I immediately thought of breath prayer. Thus I began to ponder what that would look like for me at this time in my life. I went back to Psalm 27 where I have spent a considerable amount of time recently. I found the gist of my prayer.

Teach me your ways, O LORD

But I knew I needed that name of God.

Isaiah 30 came to me where Isaiah says, "though you are given the bread of adversity or the waters of affliction, your Teacher will be hidden no more."

I remember about a year ago, in prayer, I saw a vision (for lack of a better word) of Jesus. There were all these sparkly things and words swirling around his neck and head forming a key and moving right down into the book in his hands, the Bible. I heard at the time- All your answers are here.
How easy it is to write something down and forget it.
I dont want to forget.

Thus my breath prayer for this season is completed.

Teach me your ways, O LORD, my Teacher. 

As i have been praying throughout the day in specific situations, I have found myself adding two little words, in this.

Teach me your ways in this, O LORD, my Teacher.

Do you have one you would like to share? I would love to hear it?

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