Saturday, March 19, 2011


"Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."
Matthew 10:28-30 MSG Bible

This is one of my favorite scripture passages

 I was reading this morning in a book about how ancient rhythms are different from ours. For example, the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown, not at sunup.

The Bible talks about our days beginning with the evening first, then the morning.

Imagine going to bed with the thought that you are beginning your day with sleep, while God works. When you awake, it would be with that thought that God has already been at work. He's gone before you into your day. He will give you the grace for whatever the day holds. Merely ask.

These are my thoughts this morning. All nature runs according to rhythms of seasons and tides and life and death.
I want to slow down in my thoughts and learn the rhythms uniquely designed for me.

Imagine my delight to learn that there is an iris named rhythm!

I wonder if there are names for specific rhythms? If so, what would mine be at this season on my life? What is yours?

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