Monday, January 11, 2010

Cute and Confused

How did a nice dog like me get myself into this?

This pic of Duchess, the sweet, gentle pet belonging to my grandaughter seems to fit my mood tonight.
I took this fitness personality test in a health magazine tonight. Mostly, the results pointed to the fact that I am an introvert. So how did a nice, shy girl like me get herself into this?
Last night was the first night of our church-wide Bible study of Beth Moore's Believing God. We are running a nursery and a small children's program simultaneously, as well as a morning Sunday School class. All of this is being done by six women, me included. without going into too much detail, we had an amazing turnout and a few unexpected challenges. I got up this morning feeling just like Duchie.
What is this insistent calling that moves me out of my comfort zone into these stressful situations, when at heart I am a stay-at-home gal?
2010 was to be my year to change. I feel just like the pic- part of me on one step, part of me on another. Make up my mind already!
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