Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Corners of My Heart

Throughout the last few years, I have added things I love to little spaces and corners of my home. This dress form was one of my delightful discoveries at TJ Max. The scarf has a lot of meaning to me. God gave me a picture for the ladies' conference I spoke at in the spring and it had to do with a scarf for every woman. That's for another post.
The point is that my heart is filled with love for my home and it is sometimes hard to leave it for a length of time. But there is something else that holds a larger claim to my heart- my family. Thus bags are packed and all is nearly ready for hubby and I to leave for the holidays. So blogging sisters I will be taking a break until the New Year, unless an opportunity arises for a quick blog hello.
Have a blessed holiday season.


Sherry said...

Safe travels!!! Wishing you and your family a very blessed and Merry Christmas!! xo

Gill said...

Hope your journey was a happy one! Happy New year...xo


(sweet indigo life has moved) Thanks! xo