Monday, November 2, 2009

Moonlit Magic

When my children were little, my husband and I would accompany them to each house as they "Trick or Treated" in our small community. They grew up and times changed. The school took over the halloween party and the kids all attended. We've had one small visitor in years declaring trick or treat.
Because halloween fell on a saturday this year, we decided to skip our annual soccer weekend trip for the grandkids in favor of going door to door with them on halloween.
What a delight it was! Even though they live in a big city area, their neighborhood is like a small community in itself. Nearly every neighbor went all out, some more than others. In my pics you can see that one neighbor created a haunted house right in their driveway. The kids were so excited.
There is also a lighted wagon for those who choose to go that way.
We walked along with other moms and dads under the moonlit sky. Memories flooded me of when I was a kid, the feeling of walking in the dark night, bravely knocking on the door with expectation of a tootsie roll or some small sugary token.
Times have certainly changed. my grandkids got large candy bars and baggies filled with candy. There was one tootsie roll in the whole bunch and it was certainly not the size I used to get.
I'm not a fan of the actual holiday and know that some frown on participating in any form, but this moonlight magic was priceless.
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