Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday Treat

I've shared before that Monday is Bible study day and a bit of a challenge for me to lead two groups. The evening group meets at my home, so I spend Monday morning preparing the house as well as the study. On Monday afternoon we meet at a friend's home.
As soon as I turn off the road into Marilyn's driveway, the fun begins. It is a long winding path in the midst of pine, fir, and white birch trees. Well-placed signs and characters oriented to the season or holiday add to the ambience. In January, one feels like she is entering a winter wonderland. I puposely slow down to savor the delightful ride, not wanting to miss a thing.
The cozy and colorful house with lots of windows is part of the magic as well. Bluejays played in the trees, entertaining us as we sat in her living room sharing tea and scripture. A great way to start the week.

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