Monday, July 27, 2009

Just Around the Corner

This has been the rainiest summer I can remember in 30 years. I recall one other when my children were small and we were confined to a small mobile home. Times have changed. I'm not homebound by babies, without a vehicle, but I do miss the sunshine. I can say that I appreciate every summer-like day that we have now.
Last week we had one of those beautiful days. I rounded the corner of our house to check on my flowers and let out a gasp. There was a baby lupine, standing as big as you please in front of me. I didn't expect any blossoms this year from the seeds I planted. We'd barely had enough sunshine to nurture my full-grown flowers. Nevertheless, there it was- proclaiming growth and beauty in the midst of dreariness.
Joy filled my heart. Have I mentioned I love my flowers? :)
Thus today my post defies this dark, wet Monday morning with the knowledge that at any moment, I may turn a corner to a flash of beauty and blessing.

1 comment:

alteredpink said...

I would love to see some flowers blooming in the desert. Flowers or Sunshine? Where can we have it all?:)