Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Last Time This Year

Fall is settling in here in northern Maine, although yesterday it was like summer. I had all the doors and windows open in my house. We have covered the flowers a few times to ward off the frost. This weekend frost threatens once again and we will be out of town. I have decided to let nature take its course. There comes a time to move with the seasons and stop fighting it. So here is one last look at a few of my flowers. I know it's not a big deal to those of you who have done this for years. Because I am so new to this, they bring me joy every morning when I peek out the door to see how they fared during the night. I even have red tomatoes on my tomato plant:)

1 comment:

alteredpink said...

From Ken: Hey My Mammicita. I am missing u, grampy, and kitty a lot lately. I luv the flowers and my picture at the top. Tell Grampy I said hi and carry kitty around the house 4 me. LUV YA