Friday, June 12, 2009

Wrecked #2

Wreck this Journal went with me everywhere. WJ traveled to horseback riding lessons in my red purse, to Bar Harbor in my new spring purse, into the shower with my shampoo, and lay on my kitchen table so I could continue to place fruit stickers inside. It was sort of like having a companion you never talk to. I barely touched it, but WJ is still with me.


Jamie Ridler said...

I totally feel like it's a companion too - just a silent little friend accompanying me on life's daily adventures. It looks like your journal had some fun places to go with you this week!

Snap said...

I like that ... a companion... too cool!

The Other Laura said...

I haven't taken my journal anywhere other than the grocery store. I'll have to plan a more exciting trip this week.

It's sounds like you've carried yours some interesting places. Way to wreck!

Genie Sea said...

You expressed it perfectly! It is a companion! I might even start talking to it too... Crazy! :)

Kristin - The Goat said...

I haven't taken my journal hardly anywhere, but then again, I don't get out much lol

Anonymous said...

Likening it to a companion is so true. I haven't wrecked my book too much yet, but I mailed it to myself and for those few days it was gone, I felt so lost without it.

Lawendula said...

"It was sort of like having a companion you never talk to."
This companion-feeling, Ive got that too.
(Thought about giving my journal a name.)
I like carring it around and inventing further ideas to make it my own non-sense-art-space.
Wonderful experience!
Greetings from Germany!