I honestly struggled with this chapter. I can't remember any type of creativity in our home growing up. After much thought, I realized that my love for writing came from a love to read. That I credit to my mother. This is probably the #1 thing for which I am grateful to her. I don't remember being read to as a child, but I can't remember a time when books weren't a part of our home. Books became my mentors over the years. Thus I chose the photo of my mother looking through the binoculars to place on this post. She placed binoculars to the world in my hands by way of imparting her love of reading to me.
Books take you on magical, creative journeys. Your mother gave you a wonderful gift.
I think a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give because it trickles down into so many other areas of life.
Beautiful. Books are indeed guides of the higher order. :)
I love this post because you can see how this is being past on to every generation. I can't keep Kenna in books:)
I have so many paper mentors! I love how you connect the binoculars with your story and how your mom fostered your love for reading.
Pretty cool. Books were big in my home too. They were treated almost as if they were sacred! For instance, we always had to take careful care of them and even as children we were in trouble if our books were left on the floor or among toys. I grew up with a great respect for written word...
What a lovely tribute to your mother, and to all the books that have inspired you along the way.
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