Secret #8 is all about creative partnerships. I am very fortunate to have friends who partner with me creatively in various forms. I could write about the adventures of transforming an old farmhouse into a country home with a bit of charm- thanks, Pam for partnering with me in the venture of using a little money and a lot of your creative eye. My daughter partnered with me in mixed media art for a few years. I continue to be inspired by her talent and the time she finds to create. I love your latest creation Amber, your blog Disrupted by Change. Check it out on my list of favorites. This week I got together with Nancy, whose partnership in developing a women's conference reminded me of the value of bringing together our ideas to create a whole. I experienced the power of team work last spring when a few beautiful women came together with a vision for a Spring Celebration.
In 2009, I am meeting once a month with my friend Deb partnering in a self-care workshop online. Although we've only met twice, she checks in regularly. I have found this accountability to set and stick to my goals important. Most of all, Deb continues to challenge me to take care of myself. I am working on it. Thanks Deb for inspiring me to move beyond where I am, yet enjoy each moment.
I have been thinking a lot about the women who challenge and inspire me to dream bigger than I am. I celebrate them today.