Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Breaking is Part of the Process

Letter to a Friend
Dearest Kelly,

You truly carry the heart of an intercessor and now it is broken. God is close to the broken hearted. I am familiar with all of your questions for I have walked in those deep waters myself over the past six months. I have wondered if I was wrong all of my days about the Word of God. I know those thoughts and the tearing in your soul.

Here is what I've come to know this far. Jesus blows holes in our theology, no matter how good it is. And The word of God is a living breathing entity, not black and white words like any other. This gives Jesus the right to trump His word. He is sovereign. It doesn't mean that he isn't true to His promises. It simply means that His promises are multi-faceted and eternal. They are not earth bound. Therefore, your prayers continue in ways we cannot see. Death is swallowed up in victory. Cathy stands in victory today - alive.

Nancy called this morning. God gave her Hebrews 12 and an Isaiah scripture and told her not to attribute this to anything else but Him for there is no greater. He has a plan. I know this makes it difficult to walk in what we think of as faith, but Jesus is the completer of our faith just as he is the author of it. Anything man made will fall.

I pray the Comforter will come close to you, Kelly and whisper in your ear. Jesus takes the preeminence, even in this. The Goliath spirit is falling, not as we thought, but around the world through  what our eyes see as tragedy. God is shaking us by the very hand of the enemy and we are falling into the everlasting arms.

This is the hard Eucharisteo.

Jesus is all and in all and in Him all things hold together. 

I pray He sends out His light and truth to you today and that your faith will rise stronger than ever on the foundation of who He is.

Love, Paula
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